When it comes to managing persistent pain, regular gentle exercise is something that should be incorporated into any treatment plan.
Physical inactivity due to illness or injury can contribute to a host of extra health issues including depression, weight gain and digestive problems. But movement and exercise can play a very powerful role in facilitating positive mental, emotional and physical health responses.
We’re made to move
It helps to remember that the human body was made to move and whenever we stop moving for any length of time, it can play havoc on many of the body’s basic functions such as circulation, sleep, metabolism, digestion, elimination and of course, joint mobility.
Many folks with a persistent pain condition will find it really difficult to get started with exercise – for a range of reasons – so for allied health practitioners, it’s important to explore these.
Some patients may feel a sense of over-protectiveness and be concerned about the potential of exacerbating their condition, while others might be so badly seized-up from long-term inactivity that their bodies just seem incapable of much movement. It’s also worth considering the issue of ensuring safety for those exercising whilst on heavy medication (forget the treadmill!).
For anyone who was a regular exerciser prior to their illness/injury, it can often be really challenging to find the motivation to get back into it. Exercising again with new physical limitations can be confronting too, but the myriad benefits of movement – of any type – far outweigh the option of remaining sedentary.
It’s important to remember that exercise during rehab treatment does not need to be strenuous to count as beneficial. Any type of movement that engages the body is an opportunity to build strength, confidence and stamina.
The endorphins produced via physical exercise can help to relieve pain and elevate the mood too, and exercise is often an excellent distraction from pain.
Easily accessible options might include:
Swimming or hydrotherapy
Taking the dog for a walk or
Getting off the tram a few stops earlier and walking an extra block or two.
And if the activity is one that gets a person in pain out of the house and interacting with their community again, even better!
Some of the key points for successfully reengaging with physical exercise:
Ensure that you (and your treatment providers identify and remain clear about limitations
Recognise and avoid anything risky which might exacerbate the pain condition and have strategies for how to cope if the condition does flare up
There’s no one-size-fits-all so stay flexible in your approach. Different types of exercise will suit different people and their specific needs (at different stages)
Set goals, pace the exercise and be realistic. A person with pain isn’t training for the next Australian Outback Marathon they are simply looking to safely, gradually re-introduce movement into their daily life to build strength and confidence and (ideally) also reduce their experience of persistent pain.