Vocational rehab providers

Got your head around where Vocational Rehab Providers fit in to the Return to Work landscape? Yes? Nice work! Not so much? No worries, this month, we thought we’d fill you in.

In the pain rehab and recovery work that we do around the NT, we’re always surprised to find that not everyone knows about Vocational Rehab Providers and the role that they play in occupational rehabilitation.

So, what is a Voc Rehab Provider? In the compensation system, their main role is to work together with the injured worker and their health care provider to facilitate successful and safe return to work – either with their original employer (where the workplace incident occurred) or with a new employer, where appropriate.

Vocational Rehab Providers can help facilitate a successful and safe return to work.

Vocational Rehab Providers can help facilitate a successful and safe return to work.

In the case of the injured worker returning to their original workplace, the Voc Rehab Provider would typically undertake the following steps:

  • Visiting the workplace to review the patient’s normal duties,

  • Liaising with the treating health practitioner(s) to help identify and get support for suitable duties, and

  • Assisting the injured worker and their employer to plan and set goals that support a safe return to work.

When the injured worker is seeking employment in a new workplace, the Voc Rehab Provider would be responsible for:

  • Reviewing the worker’s skills, qualifications and experience to help them find a new job or vocational pathway

  • Liaising with the treating health practitioner(s) to get their support for the identified jobs

  • Assisting to find suitable jobs, drawing on resources like the WorkSafe Incentive Scheme for Employers

  • Carrying out a workplace assessment at the new workplace to ensure that the worker can safely perform the new job requirements.

For those working outside of the compensation system, there are community-based organisations that perform a similar role. See for example, the employment supports provided by the National Disability Scheme (https://www.ndis.gov.au/people-disability/sles/faq.html).

It really can’t be overstated how important it is to introduce a comprehensive return to work plan (RTW) as early as possible into the recovery process.

The key to achieving positive, long-term RTW outcomes really comes down to

  • Timing and readiness,

  • Identifying clear goals and allowing the injured worker to move towards those goals at a manageable pace,

  • Regular monitoring and assessment along the way,

  • A team effort – between the worker, the health practitioner, the Voc Rehab Provider and the employer.

For more information on Vocational Rehabilitation Providers, check out this link to the NT Worksafe website (or the equivalent in your state).

Industry Health Solutions is a founding member of the Pain NT collaboration.  Find out more about their return to work services here.